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BGP Attributes Explained in Simple Words

Created by Himanshu Sharma in Articles 2 Dec 2024
«What is BGP and How Does it Work?

BGP attributes are important parts of the Border Gateway Protocol that help determine how data travels on the internet. You’ll often hear about them in the best path selection algorithm, as they help manage routing decisions between different networks.

Knowing different types of BGP attributes and their working is essential for anyone working in network management.

In this article, we will provide a detailed explanation only of the BGP attributes and their role in the path selection algorithm. Additionally enrolling in our networking courses, you will learn more about Border Gateway Protocol and its attributes.

What are BGP Attributes?

BGP attributes are key elements in the Border Gateway Protocol that help determine the best path for data transfer in a computer network.

They play important roles in path selection by providing information about routes, such as their origin and preference.

Understanding these attributes is crucial for network engineers to optimize data flow and ensure efficient communication between different networks.

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Types of BGP Attributes

BGP attributes are categorized into four main types, each serving a specific purpose in routing decisions.

1. Well-Known Mandatory Attributes: These attributes must be recognized and included in every BGP update. They include essential information like the AS Path, Next Hop, and Origin.

2. Well-Known Discretionary Attributes: These attributes are recognized by all routers but are not required in every update. Examples include Local Preference and Atomic Aggregate.

3. Optional Transitive Attributes: These attributes may not be recognized by all routers but are passed along to others. They include the Community and Aggregator attributes.

4. Optional Non-Transitive Attributes: These attributes may not be recognized and are not shared with other routers. Examples include Multi-Exit Discriminator (MED) and Originator ID.

Understanding Different BGP Attributes

Here is a table explaining the role of each BGP attribute. We have also mentioned the 'weight' attribute which is specific to Cisco Routers only.

S.No BGP Attribute Category Role
1 ORIGIN Well-known mandatory Indicates how the route was learned.
2 AS_PATH Well-known mandatory Lists ASes the route has traversed.
3 NEXT_HOP Well-known mandatory Specifies the next hop IP address.
4 LOCAL_PREF Well-known discretionary Determines preferred exit point from AS.
5 ATOMIC_AGGREGATE Well-known discretionary Indicates if routes are aggregated.
6 MULTI_EXIT_DISC (MED) Optional non-transitive Suggests preferred entry point into an AS.
7 COMMUNITY Optional transitive Tags routes for policy enforcement.
8 ORIGINATOR_ID Optional non-transitive Identifies the originating router of a route.
9 CLUSTER_LIST Optional non-transitive Used in route reflection scenarios.
10 AGGREGATOR Optional transitive Identifies the router that aggregated routes.
11 DAMPING Optional non-transitive Controls route flapping by suppressing updates.
12 EXTENDED COMMUNITY Optional transitive Provides additional tagging for routing policies.
13 REACHABLE Optional non-transitive Indicates reachable prefixes for routes.
14 NEXT_HOP_SELF Optional non-transitive Indicates the next hop is the router itself.
15 WEIGHT Cisco proprietary Influences local path selection preference.
16 ATOMIC_AGGREGATE Well-known discretionary Indicates if a route is an aggregate of others.

Why Learn BGP Attributes?

Understanding BGP attributes is crucial for network engineers and administrators as they play a significant role in determining the best routing paths for data transmission across the internet. Here are some key reasons to learn about BGP attributes:

1. Path Selection: BGP attributes influence how routers choose the most efficient route for data transfer, allowing for better network performance.

2. Traffic Engineering: By manipulating BGP attributes, you can control traffic flow and balance loads across different paths, optimizing resource use.

3. Network Reliability: Knowledge of BGP attributes helps in implementing redundancy and failover strategies, ensuring continuous connectivity even during link failures.

4. Policy Implementation: BGP attributes allow network operators to enforce routing policies, such as controlling which routes are advertised or preferred based on organizational needs.

5. Security Enhancements: Understanding these attributes aids in filtering out suspicious routes, contributing to overall network security.

6. Scalability: As networks grow, managing BGP attributes effectively ensures that routing remains efficient and manageable across multiple Autonomous Systems (AS).


In conclusion, BGP attributes are fundamental to the functioning of the Border Gateway Protocol, playing a crucial role in determining the best path for data transmission across networks.

These attributes, categorized into well-known mandatory, well-known discretionary, optional transitive, and optional non-transitive types, provide essential information that influences routing decisions.

Understanding BGP attributes enables network professionals to optimize traffic flow, enforce routing policies, and enhance network reliability. Mastery of these attributes is vital for anyone involved in managing complex networking environments.

BGP States: Troubleshoot Active Neighbor»
Himanshu Sharma

Himanshu Sharma is a highly professional Network data engineer and IT trainer. He is working in IT industry since more than 10 years. He has worked with top global companies like IBM, Wipro, TCS, HCL, etc. His experience in these top companies makes him one of the most successful network engineer in industry. Himanshu has done wide range of ...

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BGP, or Border Gateway Protocol, is the protocol used for routing data across the internet. Its attributes provide essential information about routes, helping routers determine the best paths for data transmission.
The three mandatory BGP attributes are ORIGIN, AS_PATH, and NEXT_HOP. These attributes must be included in every BGP update message and are recognized by all BGP routers.
The six states of BGP are Idle, Connect, Active, OpenSent, OpenConfirm, and Established. These states represent the different phases of establishing a BGP session between routers.

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