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Ansible Interview Questions and Answers

Created by Deepak Sharma in Articles 17 Mar 2025
«DevOps Roadmap for Beginners in 2025

Ansible has become one of the most popular tools in IT automation due to its simplicity and very agentless architecture, as well as versatile applications.

While most of the organizations are adopting automation for managing complex infrastructures, skills in Ansible have become highly sought after.

This guide is ideal for those who are preparing for a job interview and would like to deepen their knowledge about Ansible. We have listed common interview questions on Ansible.

These Ansible interview questions and answers cover from the basic to advanced concepts, and also show the correct method of answering scenario based Ansible interview questions.

Whether you are a fresher or an experienced professional with 5+ years of experience, these latest Ansible interview questions will help you learn the latest industry trends of Ansible.

Table Of Contents

1. Ansible Interview Questions for Freshers

2. Intermediate Level Ansible Interview Questions

3. Ansible Interview Questions for Experienced

4. Ansible Interview Questions Scenario Based

Ansible Interview Questions for Freshers

Here are some basic Ansible interview questions and answers that are asked to beginners with 0 years of experience to test their fundamental knowledge about Ansible. 

1. What is Ansible, and why is it used? 

Ansible is an open-source IT automation tool that simplifies configuration management, application deployment, and orchestration tasks. It enables you to define configurations in human-readable YAML syntax, allowing for consistent deployments across multiple systems. Ansible is agentless, connecting over SSH to execute commands, and doesn’t require additional software on managed nodes. This architecture helps organizations streamline their IT operations, reducing manual tasks and improving overall efficiency. 

2. Explain the basic architecture of Ansible. 

Ansible’s architecture consists of a control node (a machine where Ansible is installed) that manages one or more managed nodes (target machines) over SSH connections. The control node executes playbooks, which contain task definitions, by running modules on the managed nodes. Modules are scripts (usually Python) that Ansible uses to perform specific tasks like installing packages, managing services, or handling files. Since Ansible doesn’t require agents, it’s simple to deploy and minimizes maintenance on target nodes.

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3. What is an Inventory file, and how does Ansible use it? 

An Inventory file is where Ansible keeps track of the nodes it will manage, listing hostnames or IP addresses grouped into logical sets for efficient targeting. Inventory files can be static (defined in `hosts` or `inventory` files) or dynamic (generated by scripts or plugins to retrieve resources from cloud providers). The inventory also allows for variable definitions at host and group levels, making it versatile for handling diverse environments. 

4. What are Playbooks, and what are their main components? 

Playbooks are YAML files in which Ansible configurations and tasks are defined. Playbooks consist of one or more plays, each targeting specific hosts or groups. Main components include: 

1. Hosts: Specifies the target hosts. 

2. Tasks: Describes actions to execute, such as package installation or configuration updates. 

3. Variables: Store dynamic values for reuse across tasks. 

4. Handlers: Executed only when triggered by a task, often used for actions like restarting services. 

5. Roles: Modular units that group related tasks and files, making playbooks more organized and reusable. 

5. What is YAML, and why is it used in Ansible? 

YAML (YAML Ain't Markup Language) is a human-readable data serialization format used for defining configurations. Ansible uses YAML because it is simple, easy to read, and naturally indented, which fits well with Ansible’s goal of making configuration and task automation accessible to IT teams. YAML makes it intuitive to structure playbooks, allowing users to define tasks, variables, and conditions concisely. 

6. How do Ad-Hoc commands differ from Playbooks? 

Ad-hoc commands are simple one-liner commands run directly in the command line for quick, immediate actions (e.g., `ansible all -m ping` to check connectivity). Playbooks, on the other hand, are structured YAML files with a series of defined tasks for more complex and repeatable workflows. Ad-hoc commands are ideal for quick operations, while playbooks are better for comprehensive, organized automation. 

7. What are Modules in Ansible? 

Modules are reusable units of code (usually in Python) that Ansible uses to perform specific functions on target nodes. Ansible provides a wide range of built-in modules for tasks like package management, service control, and user management. Custom modules can also be written to extend functionality. Modules execute on the target machine and communicate their results back to the control node. 

8. What are Handlers, and how are they used in Ansible? 

Handlers are tasks that run only when triggered by other tasks with a `notify` directive. They are often used for actions that should only happen if a preceding task changes something on the target node, such as restarting a service after a configuration file is updated. This feature helps ensure changes are applied only when necessary. 

9. What are Facts in Ansible, and how are they used? 

Facts are system variables automatically collected by Ansible at the start of a playbook execution. They provide detailed information about the managed nodes, such as IP addresses, memory, and OS details. Facts are stored as variables and can be used in playbooks to conditionally execute tasks based on the system properties of each host. 

10. What is Ansible Vault, and why is it useful? 

Ansible Vault is a tool for encrypting sensitive data, like passwords or API keys, used in Ansible playbooks. Using `ansible-vault`, users can create, edit, or view encrypted files, which ensures that sensitive information remains secure in source control. The encrypted files are decrypted at runtime, allowing for secure handling of confidential data. 

11. Explain the use of Variables in Ansible. 

Variables in Ansible allow for dynamic values in playbooks, making configurations more flexible. Variables can be defined at various levels, such as inventory files, within playbooks, or in external variable files, and they can also be passed at runtime. They’re essential for adapting playbooks across different environments by storing values like paths, hostnames, or package names. 

12. How does Ansible handle Conditionals in tasks? 

Ansible uses the `when` keyword to apply conditions to tasks, allowing them to run only if certain conditions are met. Conditions can be based on facts, variables, or other criteria, making it possible to tailor tasks to specific hosts or environments. For instance, you could use a conditional to install a package only on Debian-based systems. 

13. What is a Tag in Ansible, and how is it used? 

Tags in Ansible label tasks so they can be selectively executed. For example, if you want to test only a subset of tasks within a playbook, you can add tags to those tasks and then run the playbook with the `--tags` option. Tags streamline testing and partial execution, which can save time and improve efficiency. 

14. How does Ansible connect to managed nodes? 

By default, Ansible connects to managed nodes over SSH. You can specify the SSH user with the `-u` option or configure connection details in the inventory file. Ansible also supports various connection methods (e.g., paramiko, local), but SSH is preferred for its simplicity and security. 

15. How can you disable Fact Gathering in Ansible? 

Fact gathering can be disabled in Ansible by setting `gather_facts: no` at the start of a play. Disabling fact gathering can improve performance for tasks that don’t need system information, especially when running large playbooks across many hosts. 

Intermediate Level Ansible Interview Questions and Answers 

The following are a few intermediate level questions that you can expect during an interview 

16. What are Roles in Ansible, and why are they useful? 

Roles are a way to organize playbooks into reusable, structured components. Each role contains related tasks, files, templates, variables, and handlers within a specific directory structure. This modular approach enables users to share and reuse roles across multiple projects, simplifying complex playbooks and making them easier to manage. 

17. How can you create a Role in Ansible? 

Roles can be created using `ansible-galaxy init `, which generates a directory structure with subfolders like `tasks`, `handlers`, `files`, and `templates`. These folders organize related configurations, allowing each role to serve as a self-contained component for a specific task, like setting up a web server. 

18. What is Ansible Galaxy, and how do you use it? 

 Ansible Galaxy is a repository where users can find and share Ansible roles. It simplifies importing reusable roles created by the community. Users can download roles with `ansible-galaxy install ` and integrate them into their playbooks, saving time and promoting best practices. 

19. How can variables be passed to an Ansible playbook? 

Variables can be passed in multiple ways, such as defining them in playbooks, inventory files, or separate variable files. They can also be passed at runtime using the `--extra-vars` (`-e`) option (e.g., `ansible-playbook playbook.yml -e "var=value"`), providing flexibility for different environments or configurations. 

20. Describe the difference between `include` and `import` in Ansible. 

In Ansible, `include` and `import` both incorporate additional tasks, but `include` is dynamic, and `import` is static. The `import` directive processes tasks at parse time, while `include` processes tasks at runtime. This difference allows for conditionally including tasks using `include`. 

21. How do you handle errors in Ansible? 

Ansible allows you to control error handling using strategies like `ignore_errors`, `failed_when`, and `any_errors_fatal`. Setting `ignore_errors: yes` lets tasks continue even if they fail, while `failed_when` lets you define custom failure conditions. For critical tasks where errors should stop the playbook, you can use `any_errors_fatal: true`. 

22. What is Delegation in Ansible, and how is it done? 

Delegation lets you run a task on a different host than the one specified in `hosts`. This is achieved using the `delegate_to` directive. For instance, if you’re installing a package on multiple web servers but want to log the installation on a central server, you could delegate the logging task to the central server. 

23. Explain Ansible’s `ansible-pull` command. 

`ansible-pull` is a command that allows a managed node to pull configurations from a central Git repository. Instead of pushing playbooks from the control node, `ansible-pull` clones the repository on the node itself and applies the playbook locally. It’s often used for environments where nodes are not always connected to the control machine or in large environments where pull-based configuration makes more sense. 

24. What are Callbacks in Ansible? 

Callbacks in Ansible are custom Python scripts that allow you to extend Ansible’s functionality by hooking into events during playbook execution. They can be used for tasks like custom logging, notification systems, or real-time tracking. Ansible provides several built-in callbacks (e.g., JSON logging, profiling), and users can create custom ones to tailor Ansible’s behavior to their needs. 

25. What are Local Actions in Ansible, and when would you use them? 

Local actions are tasks executed on the control node instead of the managed node, allowing you to perform actions locally even while targeting remote hosts. They are specified with `local_action` or `delegate_to: localhost`. This can be useful for tasks like generating reports, collecting local information, or initiating SSH tunnels from the control node. 

26. How do you configure parallelism and control the number of forks in Ansible? 

Ansible supports parallelism using the `forks` setting, which specifies the number of parallel tasks. This can be adjusted in the `ansible.cfg` file under the `forks` parameter or passed via the command line with the `-f` option (e.g., `ansible-playbook -f 10 playbook.yml`). Increasing the number of forks can reduce execution time for tasks across many hosts. 

27. What is the `serial` keyword in Ansible, and why would you use it? 

The `serial` keyword allows you to control how many hosts are processed at a time within a play. For example, `serial: 2` would execute tasks on two hosts at a time until all hosts are processed. This is useful for rolling updates, where you need to ensure only a few hosts are updated simultaneously, minimizing downtime or service disruption. 

28. What is the difference between `ansible-playbook` and `ansible` commands? 

`ansible` is used to run ad-hoc commands on hosts without needing a playbook file, while `ansible-playbook` is used to execute structured playbooks. `ansible` is more suited for one-off tasks, like checking server uptime, whereas `ansible-playbook` is for more complex configurations and deployments. 

29. How do you use Loops in Ansible, and what types of loops are supported? 

Ansible supports looping in tasks using the `loop` keyword or other specific keywords (`with_items`, `with_fileglob`, etc.). Loops can iterate over lists, dictionaries, or ranges. For example, `loop: "{{ my_list }}"` would iterate over each item in `my_list`. Ansible also provides `with_sequence` for numerical ranges and `with_nested` for nested looping. 

30. Explain Ansible’s `register` feature. 

The `register` keyword stores the output of a task into a variable, which can then be used in subsequent tasks. This is useful for capturing results, checking conditions, or debugging. For example, registering the output of a command allows you to use `when` statements to run conditional tasks based on the command’s result. 

Ansible Interview Questions for Experienced 

Here are some Ansible interview questions for 5 years experience or more. These interview questions and answers cover advanced concepts of Ansible.

31. What is `ansible.cfg`, and what configurations can you set in it? 

The `ansible.cfg` file is the main configuration file for Ansible. It allows you to set various defaults and configurations such as `inventory` location, `forks` for parallelism, SSH connection options, logging, retry behavior, and plugin configurations. Modifying `ansible.cfg` customizes Ansible’s behavior to fit specific operational needs. 

32. Explain how to create and use Custom Modules in Ansible. 

Custom modules allow users to extend Ansible’s functionality by creating their modules, usually written in Python. These modules need to adhere to Ansible’s standard output format (JSON). Once written, the custom module can be placed in the `library` directory within a role or specified path, making it available like any other built-in module. 

33. What is the `meta` module in Ansible, and what are its functions? 

 The `meta` module provides special instructions in playbooks, allowing for operations such as controlling role dependencies, pausing playbook execution, or running handlers at specific points. `meta` can be used to skip tasks, stop playbook execution, or perform clean-up actions, enhancing control over playbook flow. 

34. How do you use `block` and `rescue` in Ansible? 

`block` and `rescue` provide error handling in Ansible, allowing you to group tasks and specify alternative actions if a block fails. `block` groups a set of tasks, and `rescue` defines tasks to execute if any task within the block fails. This approach provides more robust error handling and recovery options. 

35. What are Plugins in Ansible, and what types of plugins are available? 

Plugins in Ansible extend and modify its core behavior. There are multiple types of plugins, such as callback (modifying output), connection (controlling connection protocols), filter (customizing Jinja2 templates), lookup (retrieving data from external sources), and action (modifying task execution). Custom plugins can also be written for specialized requirements. 

36. How does Ansible’s `strategy` setting work? 

The `strategy` setting in Ansible controls task execution on hosts. There are two main strategies: 

linear: Tasks run on all hosts sequentially before moving to the next task. 

free: Tasks run independently on each host, not waiting for others to complete. 

Choosing a strategy affects execution speed and synchronization, particularly in large environments. 

37. Explain the purpose of the `ansible-config` command. 

`ansible-config` displays and manages Ansible configurations. Running `ansible-config dump` shows the current configuration values, along with their sources. This command is useful for troubleshooting and ensuring all configurations align with intended settings. 

38. What is a Lookup Plugin in Ansible, and how is it used? 

 Lookup plugins fetch data from external sources, like files, databases, or APIs. They’re invoked with the `lookup` keyword and provide dynamic values to tasks. For example, `lookup('file', 'path/to/file')` reads data from a file, and `lookup('env', 'HOME')` retrieves environment variables. 

39. Describe Ansible Collections and their purpose. 

Collections are modular packages of roles, plugins, and modules that provide structured, reusable content. They are stored on Ansible Galaxy, simplifying the process of sharing configurations and dependencies. Collections enable teams to organize their content and manage complex environments effectively. 

40. How do you debug playbooks in Ansible? 

Debugging in Ansible can be done with the `-vvv` flag for verbose output or by using the `debug` module within playbooks. You can also set breakpoints with `pause` to examine specific stages. Ansible’s `--step` option lets you step through tasks interactively, which helps identify issues. 

41. Explain the `set_fact` module and its use cases. 

The `set_fact` module dynamically defines variables within a playbook at runtime. This helps set variables based on task outputs or applying transformations to existing data. `set_fact` allows for more flexible playbook logic and can be used to store calculated values. 

42. What is the purpose of `handlers: flush_handlers` in Ansible? 

`handlers: flush_handlers` forces handlers to run immediately after a task that notified them, instead of waiting until the end of the play. This is useful in situations where you need changes to take effect immediately, such as reloading a configuration without delaying the next tasks. 

43. How do you use Jinja2 templates in Ansible? 

Jinja2 templates allow dynamic content generation using `.j2` files. Templates are written in Jinja2 syntax, embedding variables, conditions, and loops, which Ansible processes to produce the final output. They’re often used for configuration files, generating files customized for each managed host. 

44. Explain the `wait_for` module and provide an example use case. 

The `wait_for` module is used to wait for a specific condition, like a port opening or a file being created. For example, `wait_for: port=80 state=started` pauses execution until port 80 is open. It’s commonly used for coordinating tasks in distributed environments, ensuring dependencies are ready. 

45. What is the difference between `include_tasks` and `import_tasks`? 

`include_tasks` dynamically includes tasks at runtime, whereas `import_tasks` statically imports tasks at the start of playbook execution. `include_tasks` allows conditional inclusion of tasks, which is helpful for tasks that might not always be needed, making playbooks more adaptable. 

Ansible Interview Questions Scenario Based

1. How would you use Ansible to deploy a web application across multiple Azure virtual machines?

Create an inventory of Azure VMs and write a playbook to install and configure the web server. Use Ansible modules like azure_rm_virtualmachine for VM management and apt for package installation. Execute the playbook to deploy the application across all VMs.

2. How would you handle a failed playbook execution in a production environment?

Identify the failure using verbose mode, rollback changes if possible, and troubleshoot using logs and debug modules. Correct the issue and re-run the playbook. Monitor the environment to ensure stability.

3. How can you use Ansible to manage Azure Active Directory (AAD) users and groups?

Use Ansible modules like azuread_user and azuread_group to create, update, or delete users and groups. Authenticate with Azure AD using client ID and secret. Assign users to groups using the azuread_user module.

4. How would you configure Azure storage accounts using Ansible?

Install the Azure collection, authenticate with Azure credentials, and write a playbook using the azure_rm_storageaccount module. Configure settings like blobs and containers with other modules. Verify configurations in the Azure portal.

5. How can Ansible be used to monitor and remediate issues in Azure virtual networks?

Use dynamic inventory to fetch VNet details. Write a playbook to check for misconfigurations and apply fixes using modules like azure_rm_networkinterface. Schedule regular executions and send notifications upon detecting issues.


In conclusion, preparing for an Ansible interview requires a solid understanding of both fundamental and advanced concepts, including configuration management, playbooks, roles, and automation workflows.

Familiarity with YAML syntax, inventory management, and troubleshooting are also essential. By mastering these areas and reviewing common interview questions, you can confidently demonstrate your technical proficiency and problem-solving abilities with Ansible.

As automation and DevOps practices continue to evolve, staying current with Ansible’s latest features and best practices will further enhance your skill set, setting you apart in the competitive IT landscape. 

DevOps Interview Questions and Answers»
Deepak Sharma

He is a senior solution network architect and currently working with one of the largest financial company. He has an impressive academic and training background. He has completed his B.Tech and MBA, which makes him both technically and managerial proficient. He has also completed more than 450 online and offline training courses, both in India and ...

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Ansible is primarily used for automating IT tasks, deploying software, and managing infrastructure across multiple environments.
Ansible is used in DevOps for its simplicity and flexibility in automating deployment, configuration, and management of infrastructure, enhancing collaboration and efficiency.
Ansible is better for configuration management and application deployment, while Terraform excels at infrastructure provisioning. The choice depends on specific needs.
Prepare by studying Ansible fundamentals, practicing playbooks, and reviewing common interview questions. Focus on hands-on experience and real-world scenarios.
Ansible is used in various industries for automating IT tasks, managing cloud infrastructure, and deploying applications across multiple environments.

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