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Lab 1.3: Setup vSmart

Lesson 4/28 | Study Time: 120 Min
Lab 1.3: Setup vSmart


1.1 Setup vSmart


vSmart : -vSmart is brain of SDWAN Solution, this is responsible for managing all control and data policies by using special Overlay Management Protocol (OMP). Login on device via CLI using admin/admin and apply below provided config: -

Follow below steps on vManage GUI

Configuration - Devices - Add Controller - vSmart

After adding vSmart go under the certificate Controllers Generate CSR  download (CSR).

Now we need to transfer this CSR to our root CA server using WINSCP same way like we did for vManage and vBond. next step we need to issue certificate for vBond and upload on vManage same way as we did for two other controllers.

Once Certificates are installed successfully, it will look like below:

Verification: After this step you should able to see control connection between vManage, vBond and vSmart.

Command: Show control connection | tab