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Lab 2.1: SD-WAN vEdge Cloud Installation

Lesson 4/28 | Study Time: 60 Min
Lab 2.1: SD-WAN vEdge Cloud Installation


1.1 Upload Serial file on vManage


vEdge – vEdge sits ate site and provide connectivity from branch to Data-Center/remote offices. router which receive complete control and data policies from the vSmart using OMP Protocol , it is able to run routing protocol like OSPF, BGP to create connectivity on LAN side but also with MPLS provider if necessary. It establishes secure IPSec tunnels with others vEdges depending on selected topology and DTLS tunnels with controllers to get the updated information about changes in Network.

Before start vEdge Installation , we should upload our Viptela Serial numbers file on vManage by going under Configuration  devices clicking Upload WAN Edge List  Choose File viptela Serial file downloaded from Cisco portal Upload.

Note: This Viptela Serial number is about the license from Cisco to allow us to use their product, So please connect your Cisco Account manager to collect the same.

Refer to below Cisco Document to create your vBond profile using PNP and how to download Viptela Serial numbers file.